Geoffrey Speaks!


Geoffrey Speaks | Thanks 7-20-08 | APOLOGY | Vote 4 WHOOO-man?? | Tired | About Me | Mailbag | Contact Me

I'm in need ... 

I'm tired! All means of communication are overrun with proofs of the inherent nature of Caucasians. I feel sorry for their minions, many who look like us. That's whether they're: Stupid Blacks peddling posionous drugs to their Black brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, daughters and sons on street corners and alleyways turning them into, not only fodder for the prison industrial complex but also assuring there be few Blacks left to keep us in existence also their white coated counterparts who turn our parents and grandparents as well as our children into pill poppers further usurping our will and abilities to cope because they get paid by the pharmaceutical companies; Murderous Blacks who at their oppressors behest murder and maim people from our neighborhoods and throughout the Earth, be it Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Guard, Spy Agents against the people (government) or the Uniformed thugs a.k.a cops; or so-called Black leaders/intelligensia who always placate the masses when the oppressors do another of us in(kill us).

Am I the only one who knows Rev, Dr., D.J. or any other title in front of one's name or letters with periods in between after a name does not stop the fact that this is a human being subject to the same flaws, imperfections, misunderstandings and desire for "self" preservation as any of us?
If the Bible says Jesus disavowed any involvement in the governmental affairs of these Earthly governments, why are Leechers, I mean Preachers (Reverends, Ministers, Bishops etc)so involved in and with them and urging all to involve themselves with these wild beasts (man made governments) of the world? Does not Daniels 2:44 speak of the destruction of these governments?


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Jehovah God provided the answer for all our ills! By  His Only-begotten son Jesus Christ creation is healed.